Sunday, December 20, 2009

Welcome Christmas

The holidays always seem to be a hit or miss for people. It seems that the people I know are usually in a winter wonderland fog or are swept up in the sadness of not having someone special to share the holidays with.

I've learned how to combat this the best way possible... BAKE, BAKE, BAKE!

Now, this may seem silly to you- "You mean a big girl is voluntarily putting herself in front of bowls of cookie batter and frosting?!" And the answer is YES.

I've found that baking is fun and a great destresser during the holidays. And, after frosting 50 cookies and licking your fingers (about 2 tablespoons of frosting) you have NO DESIRE to eat one of the cookies... you are over it!

But the key is step #2.... call up your friends and knock on neighbors' doors and bring them holiday cheer (by getting the treats out of your house) and maybe rid someone else of the holiday blahs through a basket of baked goods. Remember that it's a season for giving, getting a little smile in return is just a great by-product.

Below is a fun recipie that I tried today, they are technically cookies, but taste more like a brownie:
1/2 cup salted butter
2/3 cups granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup whole-wheat pastry flour
6 tsp cocoa powder
2 Tbs canola oil
powedered sugar for dusting

Getting it Done!
1. Preheat your waffle iron
2. Cream the butter and sugar in a medium bowl, beat in eggs and vanilla. Add flour, cocoa powder and oil and stir until well mixed
3. Drop by rounded spoonfuls 1-inch apart onto the hot iron and close. It should take about a minute and a half for them to cook- but, watch closely because waffle irons cook differently!! When they are done cooking, set on wire rack to cook and dust with powdered sugar. (For a fun twist, drizzle with milk chocolate or pepermint flavored chocolate)

How Bad is It?
PER COOKIE: 63 Calories, 4g of fat (2g sat.), 18mg cholesterol, 7g carbs, 1g protein, 1g fiber, 22mg sodium, 18ms potassium

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturday Nights at Home

There are no shortage of friends and family in my life. I've always made friends easily.... maybe sometimes a little too easily. Unfortunately I usually make friends of convenience, not of substinance. I think that I have over compensated during my life to try to make up for my "flaw" of being fat.

Guys: I'm "one of the guys"... meaning that I know everything (well, almost) about sports and cars and such. I can keep up with their conversations, give up a good fight in any "kill em" video game and I can rock out on a moments notice. I bake, cook, clean, organize, help shop, give them girl advice and am always available at a moment's notice...

The "pretty" Girls: I guess I see myself as the ugly one in the group.... I make it easy for guys. They come up and talk to me or start a conversation. (It's easier to break the ice with someone like me who is less intimidating) I'm the one that will watch everyone's purse when they are all out on the dance floor with random men slow dance after slow dance. I'm always there to dry tears after a breakup or offer fashion support at their favorite store that caters to women under a size 12.

I guess the ongoing trend is that I'm always available.... so... here I sit at home on a Saturday... once again, available.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Beginning of Being a "Big Girl"

One year ago I walked into the local gym and talked to a personal trainer. As I stood there looking around I was a little amazed that I wasn't the only overweight person there -Duh! It is a gym - But, I was definately the biggest one there... We had a consultation and talked about my goals and took some measurements, then I faced the dreaded scale. 386.4lbs (Are you freakin' kidding me??)

I had no idea I'd gotten to weigh that much! I did realize that I was pushing on the biggest size that any plus store carried but when you look at the numbers you truely feel ashamed. Looking at me, no one would ever guess I weighed that much, I'm almost 6' tall and my weight is "evenly distributed" so I'm just big all over. But that day was when I made a decision to get skinny. (Ok, I'll probably never be skinny... but let's not be dream killers just yet!)

So from then on, almost 3 days a week I met with a personal trainer.... who I hated most days, but came to love. And, here I am one year later.... weighing in at 346.6. Just about 40lbs in a year... it doesn't seem like much, but I have more going against me than Zaxby's french fries and dollar taco's at my favorite Mexican place. I have PCOS. (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrom) Because of this my body is insulin resistant - meaning that my body thinks it's diabetic. It's something that is common and you are born with and have to deal with forever. The problem is that it's hard to diagnose. But once you know, you can start to control it.... or let it control you...

By now I wanted to lose double what I have.... I've taken just about every over the counter diet pill.... bought DVDs.... and tossed and turned thinking about weightloss surgery. Every Friday I head to the gym and face the dreaded weigh in. Some times I'm stoked because I've worked off a pound or two, other times I'm in tears because I've gained three more. Talk about an emotional roller coaster.

Welcome to my journey out of the land of plus sized clothing :)