Thursday, January 7, 2010

Resolutions for Big Girls

Well, it's that time of the year... Resolutions.

I've always found the idea of sitting around and thinking of everything you wanted to do last year and didn't get around to and then making another promise to yourself (that you'll surely break) to do it this year a little depressing. But I have a new outlook this year to go with the "new" me I am seeing in the mirror.

I'm not sure of the statistics, but I'm sure there's a pretty large portion of people that are planning to make an effort to eat better, exercise more, cut down on the high carb alcoholic beverages... all healthy ideas... but how many people go at this realistically?

My belief is that resolutions don't work because we create unattainable goals for ourselves. Don't get me wrong here... I'm not saying that we shouldn't reach for the stars... I'm just saying that we need to be realistic about how far away the stars really are.... set small goals and aim big. (Or smaller as the case may be!)

Eat Better: Most people would cut out fast food or something else completely... I'm voting to limit my fast food eating to two meals a week. (and substituting small salads for potatoes at dinner!)

Exercise More: I think that people join the gym with some grand idea of working out every day... I know for me, this is a little impossible (OK, really impossible, I'm a busy girl!) I've decided to focus on at least 45 minutes of cardio 3 times a week. If I get in more- good for me

Cut down on the Drinking: Ok, I'm honestly not a big drinker, but I have friends that have worked out like crazy only to guzzle glasses of white wine every night and continue to gain weight. Like any other Southern girl, my arch nemesis is sweet tea.... So, the goal is one glass a day.... whether that be a glass here at home or one of those jumbo glasses at the Mexican restaurant... it's only ONE glass!

Comment back with some of your tips for following through with resolutions.


  1. It's so hard :( I've already ruined my New Year's diet with a trip to Friday's for lunch today. It sucks. I can't give you any tips other than don't give up. Every day is a new day as my mom always said.
    Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

  2. Last year I did so well- but in the last 2 months, I've put on a whole stone :/ It's gonna be agony to shift, and with the cold weather I have NO incentive to start jogging anytime soon!
    Good luck- I'm with you on the way!

  3. what I have found is you do not deprive yourself. you can work hard at it but if you have an event that will have food that you know you should not have then eat some of it and enjoy it. no one can stick to anything if they do not eat some of the things they are craving. i have also started using Wii fit plus. i am burning about 230 calories a day which is not a lot but it is more than what i was burning before
